Wednesday, July 16, 2008

In which we put a stem on him.

Today we went for our third ultrasound. This one was the "anatomy scan." It took longer than the others. The technician had to look for the various organs and limbs. Oddly, the fetus looked much more blob-like than it did at the first two sonograms. The technician said it was because the fetus was moving around a lot, and kept turning away from the camera.

(Yes, I know it's not really a camera, but you know what I mean.)

The news we were waiting for: it's a boy. Or, as the ultrasound tech put it, "whoa, definitely a boy." (Does she say that every time? If so, good for her!)

So now I am not the last male "English" in a line that we've traced back for a few centuries. Or at least I won't be when my son is born in December.

It seems really weird to type the words "my son." Never truly believed it was going to happen.

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